Legislation could help allergy sufferers
June 30, 2019, Chris MacFarlane, Portland Tribune
I recently moved myself and my record store business from Seattle to Portland. There have been a great number of changes I’ve had to adjust to, from the lack of sales tax to different regulations around signage and licensing. But I wasn’t expecting the many hoops I now have to jump through just to get my allergy medication.
I’ve suffered from seasonal allergies ever since I was a kid back on the East Coast, but I’ve never been restricted from going into a corner drugstore and grabbing the medication I need without a prescription until I came to Oregon.
As a small-business owner, I provide my own health insurance. And since I predominantly staff my shop myself, my time is the most valuable thing I have. I don’t know how I’m going to juggle the added cost and time commitment of having to go to a doctor and get a prescription for the medication I used to easily get behind the counter just across the river.