Calli Norton: WVSU students raise meth awareness (Daily Mail)
May 17, 2018, Calli Norton, Charleston Gazette-Mail
Whether you’ve grown up in West Virginia, or you are new to the state, you’re probably familiar with the drug abuse struggles we’ve been plagued with for years.
While the opioid crisis gets much of the news coverage, another drug has taken a steep toll on the Mountain State: methamphetamine.
Thankfully, we have dedicated legislators and law enforcement officers working with the retail and pharmacy communities across the state to combat this terrible drug’s production, and they’ve made real progress thus far.
The West Virginia State University Student Government Association understands that an issue as serious as local meth production requires an all-hands-on-deck effort, which is why we recently hung posters around campus to educate our fellow students of the dangers of meth and meth-related activities.
Read more here.