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Tuscola prosecutor helps develop new anti-drug effort

5.10.2017 – Mary Drier, Huron Daily Tribune

LANSING — To go along with the standard “Just say No to Drugs,” a new anti-drug program is being developed with the help of a Thumb area prosecutor.

Tuscola County Prosecutor Mark Reene was among those who recently met in Lansing to discuss new efforts to stop methamphetamine (meth) production in Michigan.

Reene joined Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, State Senator John Proos, along with representatives from the Michigan Retailers Association, Michigan Pharmacists Association and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association(CHPA).

The meeting focused on discussing a new public awareness campaign designed to curb “smurfing.”

Smurfing has nothing to do with the blue, cartoon characters. It is a practice to make an illegal drug, explained Reene.

Smurfing is when methamphetamine producers pay others to buy them cold or allergy medicine containing pseudoephedrine, which is found in over-the-counter medications like Claritin-D and Sudafed. It is a key ingredient in producing meth.
Read more here.