Less restriction needed on allergy meds
4.29.2017 – Dave Myers II, Ozark, Springfield News Leader
We Missourians are no strangers to springtime allergies. That’s why, even though “Good Morning America” recently reported that this will be an especially difficult and long-lasting allergy season, no one is better prepared for it than we are. Even in Missouri though, many still need to call in reinforcements in the fight against springtime allergies.
Over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines containing pseudoephedrine, like Sudafed and Claritin-D, give those who are fighting allergies a huge boost. These medicines are easily accessible and very effective. That’s why it concerns me that some wish to restrict our ability to purchase them.
Because these allergy medicines contain pseudoephedrine, which some criminals use to “cook” methamphetamine, a few policymakers think it’s a good idea to require a prescription for these meds. But this idea ignores the fact that our meth problem comes from Mexican drug cartels, not our local pharmacies here in Missouri, where, according to news reports, meth lab seizures in 2016 were about half of what they were in 2015, so whatever we’re already doing here in the “Show-Me State” to fight this problem is getting good results.