LTE: E-tracking helping in battle against meth
3.09.2017 – Leader Publications
Law enforcement officers work hard and risk their lives each day to keep us safe.
This includes the all-out effort to curb dangerous addictions to opioids and methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine, or meth, is a powerfully addictive, illegal drug that can be manufactured in homes using pseudoephedrine, a common ingredient in cold medications.
Our local communities have been especially hard hit by this drug. The safest and surest way to protect our children and communities from the harmful impacts of meth is to stop a producer’s access to the main ingredient.
That is why I led the 2012 effort to have Michigan retailers and pharmacies consult the National Precursor Log Exchange before selling products containing pseudoephedrine.
The real-time, electronic tracking system is provided at no cost to taxpayers or retailers. It is used to ensure buyers have not exceeded purchasing limits for pseudoephedrine and to allow law enforcement officers to identify suspicious purchases of over-the-counter medications.
Read more here.