System blocks sales of 30,222 boxes of pseudoephedrine
11.16.16 – Kim David, Muskogee Phoenix
Oklahoma State Senator Kim David (R-Porter) released data through the third quarter from the state’s real time, stop-sale pseudoephedrine (PSE) monitoring system, known as the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx), a news release states.
NPLEx is a powerful and proven tool that allows retailers to block sales of cold and allergy medicine containing PSE, such as Claritin-D and Advil Cold and Sinus, when consumers have reached their legally allowed monthly or yearly limit, helping prevent sales to criminals who try to use these safe and effective medicines to make methamphetamine. This tool also provides law enforcement with the information to detect suspicious purchase patterns and identify, prosecute and convict suspected meth makers.
Read more here.