Representative Derby and the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Praise the Success of NPLEx Through the End of May
7.8.15 – Representative Derby’s Office
Oklahoma State Representative David Derby (R-Owasso) today highlighted the 2015 first quarter information from Oklahoma’s real-time, stop-sale pseudoephedrine tracking system, the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx).
Oklahoma is part of a group of 31 states that utilize NPLEx to automatically block unlawful pseudoephedrine (PSE) purchase attempts at the point of sale. Law enforcement officers and retailers consistently rely on the system to support their efforts ensure that criminals cannot purchase pseudoephedrine to divert to meth. This tool has provided real results helping make sure that PSE is not sold to those who intend to make meth.
From January 1 to May 31, Oklahoma’s NPLEx system successfully block the sale of 23,697 boxes of PSE, keeping nearly 60,000 grams from being purchased illegally.
“NPLEx along with other strong anti-meth laws has helped make Oklahoma model for the rest of the nation in the fight against meth production,” said Representative Derby. “Since enacting laws such as NPLEx and the meth offender registry, Oklahoma has seen a drop in meth labs of 79 percent – a dramatic decrease that proves states can both greatly limit meth production without impeding the rights of honest citizens. To fully combat meth in Oklahoma, we must turn our focus to supporting our law enforcement officers in their fight against the growing threat of meth from Mexico, which has increasingly replaced domestically produced meth.”
“By adding 19,000 known meth offenders to the meth registry, Oklahoma has been able to seen a tremendous decline in meth lab incidents,” added Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Public Information Officer Mark Woodward. “This success is a testament to the hard work done by law enforcement all across out state and the leadership by our legislature passing anti-meth laws. Great progress is being made in the fight against domestic meth production.”