Program helps prevent meth production
7.15.15 – Alissa Lindsey, Chickasha News
The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics (OBN) announced last week Oklahoma is successfully using a tracking system to block the illegal sale of an ingredient in methamphetamine.
The National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) automatically prevents unlawful pseudoephedrine (PSE) purchases because the chemical is used in meth production.
Oklahoma, one of 31 states using the system, has blocked the sale of 23,697 boxes of PSE using NPLEx from January 1 to May 31, according to the Stop Meth Not Meds website.
“NPLEx, along with other strong anti-meth laws, has helped make Oklahoma a model for the rest of the nation in the fight against meth production,” said Rep. David Derby (R-Owasso).
When a customer buys a product containing PSE at a pharmacy, the cashier inputs the information from the customer’s driver’s license into the tracking system, said Paula Veach, pharmacist at Grand Care Pharmacy in Chickasha.
The system immediately checks the number of PSE-containing products that the customer has bought recently and either clears the customer for the purchase or blocks the purchase, she said.
Read more here.