New state laws are having an impact on meth in Alabama
5.18.15 – Tom Whately, Alex City Outlook
Dear Editor,
Fighting meth in Alabama has always been an issue on the mind of many in our state legislature. Thankfully, in 2011, our state passed comprehensive anti-meth laws that have reduced the amount of meth lab seizures in our state by 79 percent. We were able to accomplish this, not by requiring a prescription for all law-abiding Alabamians to get pseudoephedrine, but instead creating a meth offender block list. This law requires criminals previously convicted of a meth offense to get a prescription for pseudoephedrine products.
We were able to greatly cut down on the number of meth lab seizures, and maintain access to cold medicine — pseudoephedrine — for law-abiding citizens. Alabamians certainly need access to allergy medication. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Birmingham is the 17th worst location in America for spring allergies.
Read more here.