Letter to the editor: Addiction needs proactive treatment
4.16.15 – Gregory A. Sabak, The State Journal
Dr. Dan Foster, a surgeon and former state senator, recently wrote a letter that discussed substance abuse in West Virginia. It is apparent to anyone who pays attention to the news that illegal drug use is certainly something that greatly affects our state. One of these drugs, methamphetamine, has dominated the news in recent years as lawmakers have worked to fight the drug.
Dr. Foster suggests that West Virginia adopt a policy requiring a prescription for pseudoephedrine purchases despite that proposal being rejected by the Legislature last year. Dr. Foster wants to target decongestants containing pseudoephedrine (PSE) because a small number of criminals use the medicine to make meth.
If Dr. Foster truly wants to make a difference fighting meth in our state, he should instead focus on proactively treating addiction and fighting the real problem — meth from Mexico. According to the DEA, 90 percent of meth in the United States was made in Mexico and transported across the border.
Read more here.