Proposal Would Help Reduce Meth Labs
3.22.15 – Stacey L. Spencer, The Indianapolis Star
Indiana needs to fight the meth lab problem. The good news is that there are many proposals in the state legislature to do just that. The bad news? Some of those proposals would severely restrict the sale of pseudoephedrine for everyone, even those who have a legitimate need and use the medications properly.
One idea stands above the rest — by targeting meth criminals while maintaining normal access for law-abiding citizens who purchase pseudoephedrine (PSE) products for their intended use. Proposed in the state Senate by Sens. Mike Young and Carlin Yoder, the bill would create a drug offender block list that would stop the sale of PSE to anyone convicted of a meth crime or a felony drug offense.
For states that want to target meth labs while not unnecessarily inconveniencing cold and allergy sufferers, a meth offender registry is a sensible solution. Both Alabama and Oklahoma have enacted such a law and have both seen a dramatic decline in meth labs.
Read more here.