North Alabama sees a sharp decline in meth lab production
3.24.2015 – Stephen McLamb, WAFF
This article also appeared in WLOX, WTVM, and WBRC
Meth lab production in North Alabama has seen a sharp decline in recent years.
In 2011, Jackson County reported 72 labs seized. In 2013, only 44 labs were seized.
Last year, Jackson County reported 8.
Chief Deputy Rocky Harnen, a retired federal Drug Enforcement Agent, says meth began in the early 1990’s with red phosphorous labs. In the mid to late 2000’s, Harnen said ‘one pot’ meth labs began becoming very common and were dramatically increasing.
According to drug officials, Crystal methamphetamine, also known as “ice,” is making its way into Alabama by way of Mexico. With a large immigration presence, they have been teaming up with local dealers for distribution.
Read more here.