NPLEx Database Keeps Meth-Making ‘Smurfs’ At Bay
2.12.15 – Brett Blume, KMOX
It’s a never-ending strategic battle between methamphetamine producers and the law enforcers sworn to try and shut them down.
For the last five years, there’s been a computer database known as the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx), which is designed to streamline the federal pseudoephedrine laws that have been in place for the better part of the past decade.
Chris Comeaux, a sheriff’s detective from Louisiana, says it’s based on the “ounce of prevention” philosophy – that the best way of stopping meth abuse is to keep the drug from getting manufactured in the first place.
That means cutting off so-called “smurfers” at the source.
“You ever watch ‘The Smurfs’ cartoon?” asks Comeaux. “I watched it the other day, and Papa Smurf says ‘Let’s all work together and get this done!’ And that’s what they do – they all work together.”
Read more here.