Tennessee Law Enforcement Officials Take Part In Anti-Meth Training Session
1.9.15 – The Chattanoogan
Bradley County Sheriff Eric Watson joined officials from Appriss – the manufacturer of Tennessee’s real-time, stop-sale pseudoephedrine tracking system known as the National Precursor Log Exchange – on Thursday in hosting a demonstration on the technology for law enforcement professionals.
The Tennessee Retail Association sponsored the day-long training session.
Using NPLEx, Tennessee police officers are able to monitor suspicious or unlawful attempted PSE purchases in real time (PSE is misused by meth criminals to make the drug). They can receive email alerts when a suspect attempts to make a purchase. In some cases, NPLEx has led to arrests in pharmacy parking lots. Due to NPLEx, law enforcement officers across the country have been able to reduce the number of meth labs by blocking illegal purchases of PSE. In 2014, Tennessee’s real-time, stop-sale system blocked more than 158,048 grams of PSE from potentially ending up in the hands of meth criminals, said officials.
Read more here.