Bradley Sheriff Eric Watson: “It’s A True Way To Fight Meth”
1.8.15 – Alyssa Spirato, WTVC
It’s being called the true way to fight meth.
It’s a simple computer program that alerts pharmacies and law enforcement who’s buying pseudophedrine for sickness and who’s not. It’s called The National Precurser Log Exchange, or NPLEX.
“It’s close to a real time and as proactive of a method as I think there is right now for combating purchases of Pseudoephedrine that are ultimately destined to be use to be manufacturing methamphetamine,” said Detective Scott Kendall with the Auburn Police Department.
It’s a tool pharmacies all over the country rely on to make sure simple meds like Claritin or Sudafed don’t get into the wrong hands.
“Without a system like this, you almost treat everyone like a criminal and that’s not right,” said Terry Forshee with Cherokee Pharmacy…
Read more here.