BCSO: Police Busy With Meth ‘Smurfers’
1.15.15 – The Daily Times
One woman was arrested and two men were cited Tuesday in two separate incidents of alleged drug “smurfing,” according to Blount County Sheriff’s Office.
“Smurfing” refers to the practice of buying large quantities of ingredients used to manufacture methamphetamine. Many of those substances — such as pseudoephedrine, the main precursor to methamphetamine — are subject to sales restrictions, so meth-makers will often go store to store to purchase sufficient quantities of those materials.
Shonda Kay Wright, 34, Redbud Valley Drive, Maryville, was charged with promoting the manufacture of methamphetamine. Douglas E. Parker, 53, of Greenback, and David K. Ghormley, 32, of Madisonville, were both cited for possession of immediate meth precursors.
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