CHPA Lauds Michigan’s Passage Of New Meth Offender Block List
WASHINGTON, July 3, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) today applauded Michigan Governor Rick Snyder for signing a new statewide meth offender block list into law. This new policy comes on the heels of a recent package of legislation – all signed into law by the governor – aimed at giving law enforcement officials a leg up in the fight against meth abuse.
By working in conjunction with the state’s pseudoephedrine (PSE) tracking system, the meth offender block list will prevent anyone convicted of a meth-related crime from purchasing any medicine containing PSE for 10 years following their conviction. The measure will prevent criminals from being able to misuse pseudoephedrine to make meth. Similar laws passed in states like Oklahoma have helped lead to significant declines in meth-lab incidents.
"With the passage of the new meth offender registry, Governor Snyder continues to demonstrate that he is serious about fighting Michigan’s meth problem," said Carlos Gutierrez, senior director of state government affairs for CHPA. "Senator John Proos, who sponsored this legislation, also displayed critical leadership that brought policymakers together and brought the bill over the finish line."
"This new law epitomizes the state’s approach to curbing meth abuse; it is tough on crime without being unnecessarily burdensome on law-abiding citizens. Better yet, this law works. Oklahoma, which recently implemented a similar bill, saw a more-than 50 percent reduction in meth labs in just one year after its implementation. CHPA stands with Governor Snyder and the Michigan state legislature as they seek to eradicate meth production through balanced and innovative new policies such as this one."
The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) is the 133-year-old trade association representing the leading manufacturers and marketers of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and dietary supplements. Every dollar spent by consumers on OTC medicines saves the U.S. healthcare system $6-$7, contributing a total of $102 billion in savings each year. CHPA is committed to promoting the increasingly vital role of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements in America’s healthcare system through science, education, and advocacy.
SOURCE Consumer Healthcare Products Association