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Poll: Two-thirds of Michigan voters oppose losing access to PSE cold medicine

1.27.2017 – American Pharmacists Association

Nearly 70% of registered voters in Michigan oppose legislation that would require a prescription for OTC cold and allergy medicines containing pseudoephedrine (PSE), according to poll results released by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA). Almost two-thirds of respondents treat colds, congestion, and allergies with medication, and more than three-quarters of them use non-prescription medication. “This poll of Michigan consumers … makes clear that there is widespread rejection of unnecessary restrictions on these types of medicine,” said Carlos Gutiérrez, vice president for state and local government affairs at CHPA. There are already numerous laws to help fight the meth problem in Michigan, he said, and “punishing Michigan families with unfair restrictions has proven to be an ineffective way to combat the meth scourge.”

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